59 results match your search criteria
Porno 春宮電影 Irvine Welsh
十年後,《猜火車》的四個主角,每個人的人生歷程都大相逕庭,但他們又在這個愛丁堡鄰近的小鎮雷斯聚首了:變態男經歷過一次以失敗收場的婚姻後,打算頂下已經不再風光的日光港口酒吧,於是從倫敦回到雷斯,但沒料到酒吧如此破落,於是他打算靠拍A片來大撈一票。 四人中的卑比,因為過失殺人入獄三年後終獲假釋,但是依然不改其性,成天想著要如何報復捲款潛逃的懶蛋和不時寄同性戀刊物到獄中給他的匿名者;而屎霸,正為婚姻問題與毒癮困擾,並認真考慮如果他自殺的話,他的愛妻和愛子可以獲得多少保險理賠。 有一天晚上,變態男在Pub遇到一個剛從荷蘭表演回來的DJ,閒聊一陣後發現:原來老友懶蛋捲款潛逃後,居然在阿姆斯特丹開了間夜店,而且好像混得還不錯! 這時候,變態男開...
Located: Pingtung, TW
Mini Radio Plays
Reader for learning Chinese at intermediate plus level. No English translation
Located: Pingtung, TW
Baby whales, journey
Off the Pacific coast of Mexico, a whale is born in sea of stars, swimming with mama whale, and surrounded by a protective pod, baby whale, begins to grow And learn and soon comes to know all the ways on the Wales and sea .
Located: Pingtung, TW
Condition: Used
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